October 6, 2009 @ 4:17 PM

CDC Statement on Autism Data
October 5, 2009

CDC recognizes the importance of the data released today in Pediatrics by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) on parental report of autism from the National Survey of Children’s Health.

An updated prevalence report from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network is currently in press. Given the importance of the issue and these new findings, we would like to confirm that UPDATED preliminary data from CDC shows that overall prevalence findings are similar to those reported by HRSA indicating that approximately 1% of children are affected with an ASD. 

Read entire statement here : http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/index.html

ABC News did a story on the National Children’s Health Survey and in it I found many ways the medical business will attempt to discredit the survey’s results.

But EVEN MORE INTERESTING I found this telling quote from a pediatrician about her belief on the root cause of autism. Money, money, money…..

Dr. Ari Brown, a pediatrician and author of “Baby 411,” also thought genomics held some of the most promise for autism research at the moment. (She states to ABC,)  “We know there are certain genetic defects and chromosomal defects with huge incidence of autism spectrum disorders. We need to be looking at prenatal risk factors and exposures,” she said. “I believe the ‘hit’ to a child’s neurodevelopment happens before conception, at conception or shortly afterwards — that’s where the money is.”Dr. Brown (like most of her colleagues) discount the testimony by parents that their children changed after receiving vaccinations. To learn more about  autism and it’s medical business I recommend the book MOTHER WARRIORS by Jenny McCarthy

In the book, Jenny McCarthy explains how diet and detoxing healed her
son of autism. She used methods that other mothers have used to heal their children’s autism. Healing autism is relative to how long the child has had it.
Healing autism with diet means mainly eliminating the most common food allergens and boosting their immune system. Detoxing the child is also a very important part of this process.

One person’s food is another person’s poison,
Nerissa Oden